A manuscript study of Edward Wright's Certaine errors in navigation, including tables and explanatory text summarized or directly copied from Wright's work. The text and compiler's page references correspond to the 1610 edition (STC 26020). Includes "The Table of Magneticall Inclination" (p. 3); "The Table of the Sunnes Parallax, w[hi]ch must be added to his apparant heighte, if you will finde the exact height" and "The Table of Refractions for the sunne & fixed starres w[hi]ch must be substracted out of the obserued height, to fine the true height" (p. 4); "A Table of the Declination of the principall fixed starres about the Equinoctiall" (p. 5); "The true distances of certaine principall fixed starres from the Northe pole" (p. 6); "A Table of the Sunnes Right Ascension in howres and Minutes for euerie daye in the yeare" (p. 8-9); "A Table of Aequations of the Suns Ephemerides" for the years 1609, 1610, 1611, and 1612, organized by month rather than year (as in Wright's published work) (p. 12-25); and "Prosthaphaeresis of the Sunnes Declination" (p. 26-38).